Sunday, March 4, 2012

'Full Frontal Scrutiny' Web Site Exposes the Work of Front Groups; Consumer Reports WebWatch, Center for Media and Democracy Collaborate on Blog-Driven, Wiki-based Site Inviting Contributions From Interested Readers.(Website overview)

Byline: Consumers Union

YONKERS, N.Y., Jan. 29 (AScribe Newswire) -- Full Frontal Scrutiny (, a joint project of two non-profit organizations with a strong history of independent, public interest investigative reporting online, launched today to expose the work of hidden persuaders on the Web and in other media.

Full Frontal Scrutiny is a joint venture between Consumer Reports WebWatch and the Center for Media and Democracy. The site seeks to shine a light on front groups -- organizations that state a particular agenda, while hiding or obscuring their identity, membership or sponsorship, or all three.

WebWatch and the Center will create original content for Full Frontal Scrutiny, debuting today with two exclusive features: An investigation of front group activity in the popular online information resource Wikipedia, including a guide to help consumers get the most out of that site; and a history of front groups and their activities. Full Frontal Scrutiny will also publish selected content from WebWatch and from the Center's SourceWatch database, as well as aggregating news about front groups from other reliable sources.

Author Sheldon Rampton is the Research Director for the Center for Media and Democracy, and the creator of its popular site , an edited online encyclopedia of the people, organizations and issues shaping the public's perceptions and agenda. Said Rampton, "Full Frontal Scrutiny will be like no other site on the Web. Fakers, phonies and front groups …

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