Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Rudd not claiming media baron's support

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Rudd not claiming media baron's support

Labor Leader KEVIN RUDD says RUPERT MURDOCH was just being polite .. when he appeared
to endorse his bid to become prime minister.

The media mogul and Mr RUDD had a one-hour private meeting at News Corporation's New
York headquarters yesterday .. and then had dinner together.

When asked by the Seven Network after the meeting if Mr RUDD would make a good prime
minister .. Mr MURDOCH said he's sure he would.

Today .. Mr RUDD's told reporters he appreciates Mr MURDOCH'S polite remarks .. but
it's a long way to election day.

Without revealing exactly what they talked about .. Mr RUDD says they covered general
chit-chat about life .. the world .. American politics .. and the New York Yankees.

AAP RTV jb/jmt


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